Free fonts often have not all characters and signs, and have no kerning pairs (Avenue A venue, Tea T ea).
Microsoft yahei light font professional#
In addition to Simplified Chinese characters, the font includes Japanese hiragana and katakana, Korean Hangul, bopomofo, telegraph month symbols, numerals and characters in circles and parentheses, and capitals and lowercase letters for the Latin, Greek, and Cyrillic alphabets, derived from the Segoe typeface. 10 Professional Microsoft Yahei Light Fonts to Download Please note: If you want to create professional printout, you should consider a commercial font. Microsoft YaHei has three weights, Light, Regular, and Bold, with no italic styles.

Microsoft YaHei was designed by senior type designer Li Qi of the Founder Electronics type foundry in 2004, with font hinting (adjustments for rendering the characters onscreen) by Monotype Imaging. Microsoft YaHei UI Light by 2015 Microsoft Corporation. Microsoft Himalaya: Microsoft JhengHei: Microsoft JhengHei Light: Microsoft JhengHei UI: Microsoft JhengHei UI Light: Microsoft New Tai Lue: Microsoft PhagsPa: Microsoft Sans Serif: Microsoft Tai Le: Microsoft Uighur: Microsoft YaHei: Microsoft YaHei Light: Microsoft YaHei UI: Microsoft YaHei UI Light: Microsoft Yi Baiti: MingLiU: MingLiU-ExtB. Microsoft YaHei UI is a version of the typeface that has been optimized for use in user interfaces, with alternate character design and reduced line height. Microsoft YaHei UI Light Font - What Font Is - Download Microsoft YaHei UI Light font. Microsoft YaHei is designed to be readable at small sizes onscreen, and is appropriate for body text as well as titles and headings. It is a “gothic” (sans serif) style with slight flaring to some of its curved strokes the strokes are otherwise monoline (that is, little or no contrast between thick and thin strokes), especially in the lighter weights.

Microsoft YaHei ( 微软雅黑 in Chinese) is a typeface designed for typesetting the Chinese language in the Simplified Chinese script.